Jackie Oates & John Spiers – 21st December 2023

‘Tis the time of year for overflowing trolleys and queues at supermarkets, not forgetting last minute online orders complete with fingers crossed in the hope that items will be delivered by Christmas.

So let’s, for an hour or so at least, escape from the seasonal madness and immerse ourselves in quality music and musicianship. But how can this be achieved? Easy. Just come with me to Baston Folk Club to sit, watch and enjoy Jackie Oates and John Spiers. Jackie is a superb fiddler and a sweet singer. John is one of the country’s most accomplished melodeon players and tonight brings some from his collection, including one festooned with Christmas lights.

Jackie Oates & John Spiers

I really admire the duo. They are expert musicians and have clearly given a great deal of thought to what tunes they are going to play for us tonight. But the feature that I find most attractive is that they are happy to stand in front of an audience in an intimate setting, where they can see every face quite clearly. In addition they play without the need for amplification or microphones. It’s music’s equivalent of high-wire walking without a safety net.

It has to be said that tonight John is hampered by a poorly throat, so much so that his singing is restricted to a mere whispers towards the end of the evening. No harking for this herald angel! John’s night is reasonable silent and perhaps tomorrow he may need to tuck himself away in a manger.

The first half started briskly with Ploughboy and soon we were transported round England with songs from Northamptonshire and Exmoor via the Lake District. In addition John informed us about the word carol being connected to people dancing in a circle in France. Throughout their playing was expert and subtle – Jackie and John appear effortless but, make no mistake, they are consummate musicians on the top of their game.

During the interval not only did we have the legendary Baston raffle but we also had the opportunity to purchase Jackie’s homemade soap, accompanied by special music download codes – surely a Baston first!

One of my personal favourites opened the second set – Congleton Bear. Later we went to Sussex with The Trees Are All Bare and the delightfully-named My Shoes Are Made Of Spanish. We were also treated to music recorded by Jackie with the Warwickshire-based Orchestra of the Swan, tonight The Robin’s Petition – if you haven’t heard any of this, seek it out! There’s plenty already available, in particular listen to Earthcycle: a Four Seasons for the 21st Century.

We gradually became more Christmassy, culminating with Nigel Eaton’s The Halsway Carol and eventually we left feeling refreshed and ready for the Yuletide fray.

And so Baston’s 2023 merry year came to a close. In just under a year’s time, in November 2024, John will be part of the Celebrating 20 Years of Bellowhead tour, a gargantuan march across the United Kingdom that will no doubt delight those who can get tickets for the large venues. The reunion will no doubt bring 5-star reviews and rapturous applause from all quarters. But tonight, in little old Baston, we had John and Jackie all to ourselves in a friendly and intimate setting. No raucous whoops or crowd-surfing for us, just contented punters appreciating the music.

In 2023 club organisers Alan and Maggie Wood have yet again done live music in south Lincolnshire proud. Baston Folk Club continues to thrive and this is largely due to their boundless enthusiasm and uncanny ability to book the right acts for the right occasions. There is every reason to suppose that 2024 will continue to bring us all musical excellence and damn fine evenings out. Bring it on!!

Review and Photos By Toby Wood